It is always good idea to have consultant helping you, however in some cases, the best would be to open up the cover and make minor data repair. In this small article we will walk you through the most typical self-evident issues and the solutions. Let's begin with releasing stalled userid:
o Delete activity where userid='john' - this simple script should be executed against DYNAMICS database in SQL Query analyzer to unlock the user. If you are not comfortable, ask all the users log off Great Plains and run this script without conditions: delete activity. If you are on legacy Pervasive SQL or Ctree/Faircom platforms, ask all user log off and delete ACTIVITY.* file(s), which is located in SYSTEM folder. As alternative - you can connect to Pervasive SQL or Ctree via ODBC driver and use Microsoft Access, where you create linked tables, open activity table and use more elegant delete statement, described above
o Unlocking the batch. User workstation handles batch posting process step by step. If workstation stalls during the posting process, more likely you will need to unmark the batch as being posted. Run the following script: update SY00500 set BCHSTTUS=0 where BACHNUMB='TEST' - this should be executed against DYNAMICS database. If doesn't fix the issue, you need to run additional script against DYNAMICS database: delete SY00800 where BACHNUMB='TEST'
o Data Export from Great Plains. With recent versions - the easiest way is to use Explorer or
Smartlist to export. Please be sure you uncheck limit 1000 rows to export all the data in the specified table. However if you are on one of the ancient versions, such as GPS 4.0, 5.0 or 5.5, then you are still OK. Create custom report in ReportWriter and select table you want to dump and do not place restrictions, export to file and then massage the data in Excel. In the case of GPA (Great Plains Accounting) for DOS, ODBC is not easy and we don't recommend this approach - otherwise you will need to create OTF files, which is very hard without documentation - GPA is not supported by Microsoft Business Solutions. Instead - go ahead and print reports for entering beginning balances into new ERP. In the case if you are migrating to Microsoft Dynamics GP - you will need migration tool
o Reinstalling GP workstation. If you get situation, when you are getting error message about account framework, you should resynchronize your DYNAMICS.DIC - main Dexterity dictionary of Great Plains workstation. Please identify Dex.ini file, open it for edit and change Synchronize=false to Synchronize=true