We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. This is an old adage, but an accurate one. Yet, it is difficult to apply it to our lives in many situations. This has become so much so that we now live in a state of fear as a society. We fear terrorist attacks. We fear global warming. We fear just about everything. This is not to say these are not serious subjects that need to be dealt with, but fear should never define a person or society.

One of the things that is critical to understand is the concept of a moment in time. In certain eastern philosophies, the argument is that there is no yesterday and no tomorrow. There is only today, now...right now. What has occurred and what you think MIGHT occur is irrelevant. It is only now that you can influence and deal with.

Practically speaking, we all know or at least hope there will be a tomorrow. With that in mind, it is important to gain perspective on your fears. What you fear today could come to fruition in the future, but it probably will not. You cannot let your fears in this moment in time overwhelm you. If there is a problem, deal with it. If there is not, don't worry about it.

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Advice of this sort all sounds so great until you apply it to your life. Well, let's do that. I want you to thank back one year. What were your fears then$%: Did they involve money, a relationship or something else$%: Can you even remember any of them$%: Did any come to fruition$%: Probably not. So was it worth getting all worked up and panicky about them$%: No. Your fears for that moment in time were not justified.

Ever so often, one of your momentary fears will come to fruition. Welcome to life. When this occurs, you just have to deal with the problem. Trust me, you can do it. Haven't you dealt with all the other problems in your life$%: The human being, that would be you, is a strong and resourceful entity, even if we have doubts about ourselves. You can and will get through problems. One year from now, you won't even remember them.

When dealing with issues in daily life, it is vital that you keep a bit of perspective. You are dealing with a moment in time. If you feel overwhelmed, keep in mind that tomorrow is a new day and many of your concerns will turn out to be so much about nothing.

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